The S.I.S.T.A.s of Middle Georgia BYLAWS
The name of this Chapter shall be The S.I.S.T.A.s (Sisters in Speech Therapy and Audiology) of Middle Georgia.
The purpose of the Chapter shall be Recruitment (Scholarship), Retention, SISTAhood (Mentorship) and Service.
1. Eligibility: Membership shall include the following:
Professional Member: Holds a graduate degree in speech pathology. All professional members shall have the right to vote and hold office.
Practicing or Retired Speech-Language Pathologist.
Georgia Resident.
Minority Female.
Member of the National S.I.S.T.A.s, Inc.
2. Meetings:
Regular Members’ meetings shall be held every 3rd Tuesday via Zoom at 7:00 pm. Chapter will not meet during the months of July and December. Special meetings including but not limited to Officers’ Meetings and Special Committee Meetings must be announced 2-5 days in advance.
Quorum: 9 Members are needed to vote and 3 Members are needed to conduct a meeting.
3. Fees: Annual Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st. Annual dues shall be $50 due by January 1st. *Founding members will not pay membership fees for year 2020.
Components: Officers of this Chapter shall be *President, Vice President, *Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and *Treasure. *Denotes Mandatory
Election of Officers: Officers shall be elected every 2 years during the November meeting. Each officer shall be elected by majority vote. All officers must be in good financial standing at the time of election, meaning that the member has paid both National and Chapter dues.
Roles: The roles of the officers shall be as follows.
*President: The President is the leader of the local chapter and is responsible for presiding over meetings, setting the agenda, and appointing special committees.
Vice President: The Vice President shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President. She shall serve as the Membership Committee Chairperson and coordinate the invitation to membership and maintain accurate meeting attendance logs. New member engagement. Identify ways to welcome new members (phone calls, GroupMe, finding out interests/gifts/talents).
*Secretary: The Secretary shall keep all chapter records (except for financial records), maintain official minutes of the meetings, publish and distribute minutes monthly, and notify members of meetings and chapter, regional, and national activities.
Assistant Secretary: The Assistant Secretary shall assist Secretary in maintaining chapter records and perform secretarial duties in the absence of the Secretary.
*Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for managing all financial transactions, writing checks (along with 2 assigned members), and keeping accurate account of all monies collected and disbursed.
3. Committees
Fund Raising Committee (shall oversee all fundraising activities voted on to raise funds for the chapter, lead the effort to obtain and maintain sponsors).
Recruitment, Retention (Mentorship)
Service Committee
Bylaws shall be amended by a vote only.
In the event this Chapter dissolves, funds in the treasury account will go to fund a scholarship. Details of the scholarship must be voted on by any remaining members.